

for anime &


manga muses.


akatsuki no yona.

name. yoon.
age. fifteen-seventeen.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. traveler and medic.
residence. he travels throughout countries constantly, so he does not have a residence.
appearance. 4'11". 114lbs. pink hair, blue eyes, and a fairly pale complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. korean.
parents. he is an orphan and doesn't know who his parents were. he has a foster father who is a priest who he does not live with currently.
siblings. none.
education. he has never had any formal education. all that he knows comes from reading books or learning from other people.
notable skills. he has the ability to remember everything he's read for the first time ( hyperthymesia ). he can cook, sew, heal, and create explosives.
languages. Korean. ( In modern verses, he can speak both Korean and English ).
abilities. none.
phobias. none.

character summary.
yoon is a teenage, self-proclaimed "genius pretty boy" who wants to save as many people as he can as a medic in his medieval and war-torn world.
canon. untagged. takes place throughout canon events.
modern au. untagged. yoon is a seventeen year old student already in his second year of college. he wants to be a doctor and is already volunteering at a hospital.navigation.

important headcanons _&_ metas.


todoroki shouto.

boku no hero academia.

name. todoroki shōto.
age. sixteen.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. demisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student and hero-in-training.
residence. Japan, Shizuoka-ken.
appearance. 179cm. 147lbs. Half-red, half-white hair, split down the middle; one grey eye, one turquoise eye; a faintly pale complexion. Shōto has a few burn scars around his body due to his father’s training, and then the scar that covers the upper left side of his face, caused by his mother pouring boiling water on him.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. Todoroki Enji & Todoroki Rei ( hospitalised until shōto is sixteen ).
siblings. Todoroki Tōya / Dabi ( older brother, estranged ). Todoroki Fuyumi ( older sister ). Todoroki Natsuo ( older brother ). .
education. homeschooled until high school.
notable skills. He is great at battle tactics due to being trained at a young age to take down villains.
languages. Japanese, JSL, English.
abilities. Shōto has a quirk called “Half-Hot, Half-Cold” where the right side of his body can produce ice and the left side of his body can produce fire.
phobias. Tea kettles ( the kind that whistle and must be put over a stove ).
Shōto has C-PTSD and suffers from depersonalisation and disassociation. During bad spirals, Shōto sometimes has apathy in regards to his own survival. When his family’s life gets aired out by Dabi, Aizawa makes sure to put Shōto in therapy, which he wasn’t exactly ecstatic with. He isn’t making much progress because he doesn’t want to be in therapy, but hopefully after a few weeks, he will be more receptive to therapy.
important information.
My Shōto gets a girlfriend by the name of Mori Harumi before the provisional license exam arc, and they break up after the winter holidays and before the new school year starts, but they still remain as close friends. However, after a few months of being friends and accepting some comfort from her from the whole Dabi situation, they get back together and remain together until they eventually get married.
This is CANON to my blog, so unless we have plotted a relationship that takes prior to this timeline, Shōto will have already had a girlfriend or will be having a girlfriend.

character summary.
shōto is a current hero-in-training who wants to become the number one hero. he does struggle a lot, however, with his past.
canon. untagged. takes place throughout canon events.
endeavour is dead au. untagged. This AU takes place earlier in the manga, after the Hero Killer arc but before the Forest Training Camp arc. Endeavour isn’t killed by a villain or by one of his children, but by a car that accidentally ran a red light. The mundane death, the way that the man suddenly dies, sends Shōto into a spiral that he can’t seem to find a way out of.vigilante au. untagged. This AU takes place anywhere after the Sports Festival timeline-wise. This is a very dark universe that deals more heavily with child abuse, domestic abuse, and suicide. In this universe, when Rei burns Shōto with a boiling kettle, Endeavour decides that he was going to use keep Rei in the house and leverage her well-being with Shōto. Shōto trains in both his ice and his fire to near professional perfection, and he wins the Sports Festival. Watching this, Rei realises many things and kills herself in the courtyard with ice. Shōto stumbles across her, and then he and Endeavour have a fight which ends with Shōto burning a scar on Endeavour’s face (directly imitating his burn scar). Shōto ends up running from home and on the run, and, as a vigilante, he takes down abusive fathers (later mothers) and burns a hand on their face. At some point, he picks up Eri, and he takes care of Eri while running from her “dad”’s organisation.navigation.

important headcanons _&_ metas.

mori harumi.

boku no hero academia.

name. mori harumi.
age. seventeen (+1 year of class 1-a).
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student and barista.
residence. Japan, Shizuoka-ken.
appearance. 153cm. 100lbs. Dark brown hair, brown eyes, a faintly pale complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. okita sawa (animated).
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. both of her parents are alive.
siblings. younger brother.
education. high school.
notable skills. she's really good at cooking, cleaning, and making coffee.
languages. Japanese, JSL, English.
abilities. Harumi's quirk is “Note Taking”. It’s a memory augmentation quirk where Harumi can remember anything she makes a mental note on while using her quirk. Her memory isn’t perfect, and it only works if she uses her quirk. Also, she has a limited amount of “notes” that she can use – thirty max. This amount of "notes" grow the older she gets.
phobias. Ghosts.
A barista in a café that Midoriya frequently vists, Harumi is in her second year of high school and working early for university tuition money. She lives with both of her parents and one younger sibling in his first year of middle school. Both of her parents work for the same business and often take business trips abroad and so, as the oldest sibling, she’s always had to take care of her younger brother – clean for him, cook for him, wash his clothes, etc.
As such, she’s had to learn a lot of responsibility from a young age, but she never lets anyone or anything weigh down her joyous spirit. Since he started middle school, Harumi’s been able to make a lot more time for hanging out with friends and, yes, trying to see if she could get a boyfriend ( since she’s never had one before ).She’s not so much of a hero otaku, and she’s always been more fond of reading manga instead, but her favourite hero is, of course, All Might, and she’s not totally ignorant to the big superheroes out there. Still, she had no idea that Shōto had been Endeavour’s son until a few girls around the two of them had mentioned it and she appeared in the tabloids with a picture of her and Shōto holding hands.She was able to get Todoroki Shōto’s number when she asked for it while he was under a truth quirk, and they managed to date for about five months or so before they both decided they were better off as friends.

important information.
This original character is the girlfriend to MY todoroki shōto. I will not automatically ship with any other shōto muses.
character summary.
harumi is a pretty much normal high school girl who is dating todoroki shōto.
canon. untagged. takes place throughout canon events.

important headcanons _&_ metas.

li tsubasa.

clamp (trc).

name. Li Tsubasa ( Japanese name ). Li Yì ( Cantonese name ). Li Syaoran / Li Xiaolang ( alias ).
age. Eighteen ( physically ). Twenty-five( chronologically ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human. paradox.
occupation. traveler.
residence. everywhere and nowhere.
appearance. 5'6". 126lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes, a faintly tan complexion. Many scars here and there due to his training and getting into fights.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. half-chinese, half-japanese.
parents. Li Syaoran & Li Sakura ( biological parents, non-existent ).
siblings. In one sense, Watanuki Kimihiro is a sibling.
education. Taught at home by his father, or, after the age of seven, travelling. No formal education.
notable skills. Tsubasa is great with a sword and martial arts, and he has a clear analytical mind. He is also stubborn to the point of collapse, and has that tenacity that will get him through anything.
languages. Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese. ( spoken ). He can read in seven other languages thanks to living through Syaoran. Within certain distance to Mokona, he can speak any language.
abilities. He has magic ( as his magical training was cut short, his magical education is spotty, made up of only the spells he remembers reading from the clan’s spell books and training with his father. he primarily uses four spells for combat: Raitei Shōrai, a lightning spell; Fūka Shōrai, a wind spell; Kashin Shōrai, a fire spell; and Suiryū Shōrai, a water spell. still, he has strong magical powers. he can use his magic to detect other life forms, dead or alive, and knows spells for protection and barreirs ) and is a medium ( as a part of his bloodline, he can see and talk to ghosts and spirits of all sorts, and he can also use his magic to help guide ghosts to the beyond if they need his help. he can tell the difference between ghosts and those alive )
phobias. being trapped.
Tsubasa / Yì was born in Hong Kong, son to Li Xiaolang and Li Sakura. He was raised in the magically and publicly influential Li clan, and he was taught magic, sword fighting, and martial arts. Seven days before his seventh birthday, he was given his father’s sword and his father’s name of “Syaoran” and was told that he could find his destiny elsewhere. After travelling to the Witch of Dimensions’s shop and finding out that his price was already paid, he was sent to another dimension, specifically to a country named “Clow Country” for seven days and met a princess named “Sakura”.
They became fast friends even though they could not touch even though “Sakura” was undergoing a cleansing ritual. However, when “Sakura” had a vision of danger approaching, Tsubasa vowed to protect her. Yet, when an unknown man, named Fei Wong Reed ( referenced as “FWR” in the rest of this history ), attacked “Sakura” during the cleansing ritual, Tsubasa hesitated on grabbing her hand because of instincts due to the cleansing ritual, and thus failed his chance to save her. The unknown man marked “Sakura” with a seal of death that would kill “Sakura” once she reached her fourteenth birthday.Before Tsubasa could die to a second magical strike from FWR, Tsubasa was sent back to his original dimension, heavily injured. Vowing to save “Sakura” without sacrificing anyone’s lives, Tsubasa returned to Clow Country, having to pay the price of being unable to travel back home or to another dimension since no one in that dimension had the ability to travel to other dimensions or send others to another dimension.He lived in the castle until the age of nine, but moved out into his own house and travelled the entirety of that dimension and researched heavily, trying to find a way to save “Sakura”. However, on their fourteenth birthdays ( as they shared the same birthdate ), Tsubasa could not find a way to save “Sakura”, and the seal started to kill “Sakura”.however, Nadeshiko, the Priestess of Clow Country and Sakura’s mother, managed to stop time for a few seconds, losing her life in the process. Tsubasa wished in his heart that he could turn back time to save “Sakura” from being marked for death…and a voice said that they could grant his wish. FWR said that Tsubasa could turn back time, but by doing so would break a taboo, and everyone who knew about the seal of death would be heavily affected, and the ripples of the taboo breaking would affect the multiverse.Despite knowing the consequences, Tsubasa made the choice to turn back time, and his personal price was to be captured by FWR, and Tsubasa remained trapped and magically sealed, unable to move, touch, or feel for seven years until he gained enough magical power to break free from his imprisonment.A child named “Watanuki Kimihiro” took Tsubasa’s place with his parents, and although Kimihiro was borne from Tsubasa, he was not exactly Tsubasa’s existence — he had a different personality, appearance, and magical abilities. Kimihiro grew up an orphan and, in high school, lived under the Witch of Dimensions’ protection.A clone named Syaoran took Tsubasa’s place in Clow Country, and while the clone had originally been meant to be emotionless, Tsubasa sealed half of his heart into Syaoran, and Tsubasa could see all of the experiences that Syaoran had, learning everything that he did. Tsubasa even has learnt Syaoran’s fighting style and can fight like him if he so chooses.However, Tsubasa was able to break free from his imprisonment, thus breaking the seal of the half of his heart in Syaoran. Syaoran went back to the control of FWR, and Tsubasa joined the travelling group of Princess Sakura, a clone of “Sakura,” Fai D. Flourite, Kurogane, and Mokona to both find Sakura’s feathers, which hold her memories, and Syaoran and stop FWR.Their journey took them back to Clow Country to stop FWR and save both “Sakura” and Sakura ( who had been killed by “Syaoran” in a previous arc ), but in Tsubasa’s timeline rather than the new timeline. In the process, “Syaoran” was killed as he saved Tsubasa’s life, and when the group confronted FWR, the universe started to break. Once that started happening, Sakura and Syaoran returned, and everyone was told that the clones of Tsubasa and “Sakura” were reborn as created beings by the Witch of Dimensions and gave birth to Tsubasa ( and, in the new timeline, Kimihiro ).Realising that giving birth to Tsubasa would mean that everyone would be trapped in a constant loop of time, Syaoran and Sakura attempted to break that loop by turning back their time to wait for the final battle in Clow Country, unable to touch each other for several years.After a fierce battle, the group finally defeated FWR, but Sakura and Syaoran ceased to exist since the death of the Witch of Dimensions meant that their existence would fade away. As such, the soul of the clones returned back into the body of the originals, and both Tsubasa and Kimihiro were left disconnected from the universe as paradoxes due to the erasure of their parents.

history cont.
As they are paradoxes, both Tsubasa and Kimihiro can negatively affect the universe with their presence. In order to lessen the impact Tsubasa will have on the universe, Tsubasa has vowed to continue travelling, also using his journey as a way to try to find a way to bring his parents back and to end his and Kimihiro’s paradoxical nature. “Sakura”, however, had to stay in Clow Country because she had a dream that her joining Tsubasa’s journey would make it all the more painful. Kurogane, Fai, and Mokona did decide to join Tsubasa, and they were off.
Two years pass, and Tsubasa has not been able to find a way to bring Syaoran or Sakura back. However, one night in Nirai Kanai, Tsubasa has a dream and sees Syaoran and tries to reach for him but is blocked by glass. In the next day, he was called to meet with the leader and the living God of the country and was told he was this “yūta”, a person who has been in the boundary of life and death in frozen time and is able to see the irregularities in Nirai Kanai and can save it from destruction.In order to save it, Tsubasa and his companions travel to the other Nirai Kanai, which is where the dead, ironically, live. To Tsubasa, the other Nirai Kanai looks like a beautiful place, but to his companions, everything is dark, scary, and all of the people look like zombies. After nearly bleeding out due to a small attack, Tsubasa manages to make it to his destination called the Utaki while Kurogane, Fai, and Mokona were left behind.In the Utaki, he finds Syaoran, and he is told his true purpose in the Utaki by both Syaoran and the voice of the Utaki. As the yūta with the power of seji, Tsubasa will be able to allow the dead souls of the other Nirai Kanai to be reborn into Nirai Kanai. However, Tsubasa can only do this if he fights Syaoran as the wielder of the seji must not possess a human heart. While he doesn’t want to fight Syaoran, he has to in order to make sure that his travel companions will not die, and so he strikes Syaoran down with lightning twice until Syaoran is unable to fight and is bleeding in Tsubasa’s arms.While he tries to tell the Utaki that Syaoran cannot fight anymore, the Utaki tells him that he must continue until Syaoran’s existence is gone, and Tsubasa’s magic goes wild. However, Syaoran wakes up enough to stop him from exhausting himself and then passes out, and the Utaki says that Tsubasa is allowed to use the seji now and the Utaki stops time.However, the Utaki realises that Tsubasa brought an impure magical item into the Utaki and thus would defile the Utaki as a holy place if Tsubasa does use the power of the Utaki to bring the departed souls back to life. Thus, the Utaki decides that Tsubasa cannot use the power, but Tsubasa enforced his will over the Utaki and decides to bring the dead back to be reborn and to defile the Utaki, and thus the Utaki tries to kill Tsubasa. Thankfully, “Sakura” and the God of Nirai Kanai use their powers and was able to save Tsubasa from the Utaki.Tsubasa was able to give the God of the world a magical item that could create a new Utaki, and then he continues his travels with Kurogane, Fai, and Mokona, now newly determined to find a way to bring his parents back.important information.
Unless you are his parents, Sakura ( Tsubasa ), Kurogane, Fai, or Mokona, your character will not know his real name. Your character can know that Syaoran is a fake name, but unless your character can see the real name of people as soon as they meet them ( i.e., Shinigami Eyes in Death Note ), you will not know his real name.
character summary.
tsubasa is a paradox who is currently travelling across worlds in order to find a way to bring his parents back into existence and therefore end his paradoxical nature.
canon. untagged. takes place past canon events.

important headcanons _&_ metas.

li xiaolang.

clamp (ccs).

name. Li Xiaolang.
age. Ten to eleven. Thirteen to sixteen. Eighteen to twenty-two. ( verse dependent ). I will mainly write him in high school.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. Student. Businessman. ( verse dependent ).
residence. Japan, Tomoeda. China, Hong Kong.
appearance. 5'6". 126lbs. Brown hair, brown eyes, a faintly tan complexion. Many scars here and there due to his training and getting into fights.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. chinese.
parents. Li Jié & Li Yelan ( biological parents, father is deceased ).
siblings. four older sisters.
education. Tutors at Hong Kong, school in Japan.
notable skills. While he is no master swordsman (yet), Xiaolang is much better than most people his age and older, having been taught how to use a sword since he was four. He wields a Chinese jian. Similarly to his swordsmanship, Xiaolang is not a master (yet) but a cut above most martial artists his own age and those older. He has been learning martial arts at the same time he learnt how to fight with a sword. His style the traditional style that has been passed down the Li family for ages.
languages. Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Japanese. ( spoken ). His English skills are a bit more fluent than conversational, but not by too much.
abilities. He has magic, which is strongly moon based. His magical education started at the same age he started his martial education, and it is through this magical education that his magical abilities are stronger than most and is able to have a strong degree of magical sensitivity. He is knowledgeable in the Li clan magic and about the Clow Cards. He primarily uses four elemental spells for combat, used via his jian and jufu, Raitei Shōrai ( Lightning / Thunder ), Fūka Shōrai ( Wind ), Kashin Shōrai ( Fire ), and Suiryū Shōrai ( Water ).He also captured the Clow Cards of The Time, The Storm, The Return, The Dash, The Freeze, The Dream, The Sand, The Twin. He can also use his magic to detect other life forms, dead or alive, and knows spells for protection and barriers, as well as for searching for other people. Also, as part of his bloodline, Xiaolang can see and talk to ghosts and spirits of all sorts, and he can also use his magic to help guide ghosts to the “next step” if they need his help. He can usually tell the difference between the dead and the living, and his sight is stronger than most mediums.
phobias. none.

Born in Hong Kong as the heir to the influential Li clan, Li has had many responsibilities placed upon him. When he was two, fortune tellers foretold that he would have to travel to Japan in the distant future in order to capture the Clow Cards, and so he was trained from a very young age in order to make sure he could capture the cards. When he turned ten, he was told that it was time for him to make the journey to Japan, and so he had.
After a few months of trying to capture the cards, along with a rival named Kinomoto Sakura, he loses the Final Judgement and remains only as the heir to the Li clan, which means he will also be forced to go into business as well.important information.
clear card arc is not canon to my xiaolang. i outright hate clear card arc for 95% of everything that went down (including the retcons). do not write me a starter in clear card arc.
character summary.
xiaolang is a high schooler who has magical powers. he spent his childhood trying to capture clow cards before he fell in love with the intended inheritor of the cards. he now lives in japan and still trains in the magical arts.
canon. untagged. takes place past canon events, generally when xiaolang is in high school.

important headcanons _&_ metas.

tsuyuri kohane.

clamp (xxxHOLIC).

name. tsuyuri kohane.
age. seven to ten. Thirteen to sixteen. Eighteen to twenty-two. ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. Student. exorcist. fortune teller. ( verse dependent ).
residence. a small town in japan.
appearance. 132-160cm. dirty blonde hair, green eyes, pale complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. estranged from her mother age of ten onward, her father abandoned the family.
siblings. none.
education. she left primary school at the age of six. she returned back to school when she was ten, and ends up going to a university.
notable skills. she is pretty good at cooking after learning.
abilities. Kohane is a renowned medium, often appearing on television specials. Thus, she tends to be quite famous–or infamous, depending on whether or not you’re a fan of hers. She has the power to see ghosts and spirits, and she can also exorcise them.
In relation to this power, she does not only have the ability to see ghosts and spirits; she can see if people have bad luck, if people lie a lot ( or even lie a little ), if people have killed someone, etc. Essentially, she can also see auras and curses. The more evil a person has done, the darker their aura and the more it hangs around them like a black cloud, ready to engulf them.
her powers also help her with fortune telling.
phobias. none.

important information.
Kohane hasn’t been in school since the first grade. This is because her mother uses her to get money so she can buy materialistic things for herself. when she was taken from her mother's custody at age ten, she was able to return back to school.
Her mother has not used her first name since the first grade. Her mother also has never touched her since the first grade. While her mother lives in luxury, Kohane is only allowed the basics–plain foods, a small bed, and a roof over her head.when she was a young child, she didn't lie. Ever. She doesn’t believe in lying and is sometimes painfully honest, which makes her to say things that others might find uncomfortable. as she grew older, she learnt a little bit more tact, but still remains painfully honest.character summary.
kohane is a medium who is able to see ghosts and yōkai. she used to be a rather famous exorcist when she was seven.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

kanda yuu.


name. kanda yū.
age. Physically, he is nineteen-twenty. Chronologically, he is nine-ten. However, his first life was born fifty-nine to sixty years ago (died at twenty, spent thirty years dead, revived nine-ten years ago).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. artificial human.
occupation. exorcist with the black order. k-pop star. ( verse dependent ).
residence. The London Headquarters / none, currently travelling around the world / seoul, south korea. ( verse dependent ).
appearance. 181-183cm. 65kg. Black hair, black eyes, a faintly pale complexion. He has no scars whatsoever, but he has a tattoo on his chest that, as he uses more and more of his lifespan, starts to cover
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. none.
siblings. none.
education. various tutors.
languages. English, German, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese ( fluently ). French ( conversational ).
phobias. none.
often stoic and emotionless kanda appears unflappable and cold to other people but has a quick temper that f l a r e s easily and often turns murderous due to annoyance of people and rage in his soul.
cares little for the sanctity of life, believing people to be expandable, a notion that is hypocritical considering he s a v e s others; although, complains as he does it. still he does not mind killing.skills.
due to the nature of his existence, when he dies he comes back to life and h e a l s from wounds quickly. there is a limit of the amount of times he can come back.
as someone created, he is gifted with unnatural speed and strength, able to cross the length of a room within a few seconds and carry or throw anyone of any size. strangely, he’s also able to read the auras and emotions of other people, using that to detect, mostly, negative emotions and people attempting to sneak up on him. he’s not sure where this ability came from, whether or not it was given to him or was remnants from his past.his sword s i n g s as he wields it, an artist with his own version of a paintbrush, painting pictures of d e a t h and blood, he is a skilled warrior with the sword and there are little that can m a t c h his might in combat.

he was born in a laboratory with one other, Alma Karma, and was forced through painful procedures to resonate with the Innocence that often killed him and made his body fall a p a r t.
still he lived in this existence until ghosts started to haunt him, showing dreams of a w o r l d he had not seen, causing pain. this was what the scientists feared the most and so he had to be put on ice because he was b r o k e n but Alma would not let this happen and managed to discover the truth of their existence and b r o k e as kanda, who saw his death, was put to sleep after suffering unimaginable p a i n.so filled with longing was he that he a w o k e from his eternal slumber to the Innocence that always denied him, asking him to be used. despite the hatred that he felt, he became its wielder for the war that he was created to fight in again. still he decided to forgo the war and just run away with Alma to where they could not be found. along the way, he ends up saving Noise Marie from death by using his blood and gained an ally.he found Alma surrounded by the bodies of the scientists that had trapped them in the dark world of pain and misery. and then Alma attempted to kill him in order to f r e e them. alas, kanda was bolstered by the images of her in his mind, filled with a need to find her again and slain Alma, cutting him down with Mugen again and again until he could heal no longer.he became a student of general tiedoll with Noise Marie and Daisya Barry, travelling the world and slaying 悪魔。 now an exorcist for several years, he is the only one that has killed a noah and has long since r e a c h e d the critical point of synchronisation and has risen to become a general.character summary.
kanda yū is an exorcist who fights demons in a war against the noah. he lives in a victorian-era england where magic has modernised parts of the world.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.
kpop star au. untagged. verse information here.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

near / nate river.

death note.

name. nate river.
nicknames. n, near, l.
age. 19+.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. the world's best detective.
residence. travels, but his main base is in america.
appearance. 155cm. 40kg. White hair, grey eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. unknown.
parents. unknown.
siblings. none.
education. learnt through tutors at the wammy house.
notable skills. Intelligence & Deductive Reasoning is Near's primary skill, along with his observational abilities. Near is one of the, if not the, smartest people alive, and he uses his incredible talents to the best of their nature.
languages. Near can speak fluently in about twelve different languages and can read in about fifteen. This is due to his training as L, as he needs to be able to communicate with government officials around the world. He's currently learning three other languages.
phobias. none.
Near is often thought of as an emotionless person, which is understandable considering his lack of knowledge in social cues and empathy and sympathy. It's through this lack of knowledge that he has this almost naivety about interpersonal relationships.
This also isn't helped by how rarely his expressions change: usually, he wears a neutral mask, which no one alive could pierce through. However, he can and has shown irritation and does have a sense of humour; although, it's rather dry.He truly comes alive when working on a case; or, rather, when he's about to trap a rather intelligent criminal in their own words, when he's put all of the pieces together and nails criminals to the walls. He doesn't care about justice, however, he only cares about the puzzle, so if the case is extremely easy, he doesn't feel any satisfaction.

Not much is known about Near's past, not even by Near. Even with his near perfect memory, he only has vague recollections of his time before he was sent to Wammy House at the age of four: mostly of a dark room, pitched in complete black, of feverish mutters and whispers, and of blood so red.
The first thing he can recall in perfect clarity is his first view of the Wammy House when he was four years old. There, Near flourished academically despite his rather young age, getting top scores in exams without putting any effort. There was one other orphan who came near enough to match him named Mello, but Near remained at the top spot all throughout their childhood.The Wammy House was an orphanage for gifted orphans and children. Their purpose was to find the successor of the great detective L amongst the children, and those whom would be picked by L would succeed him as L.However, it was at thirteen years of age that Near and Mello were told that L had died, and it was then Near took on the honour of finding Kira as Mello ran away from the orphanage. Despite having no previous data, he was able to find out the existence of the Death Note and built the case back up. With only a few details from the Japanese Taskforce, he was able to deduce that the current L, Yagami Raito, was Kira.After a long and hard fought deductive battle, Near managed to corner Raito, whom begged Ryūk, the Shinigami whom dropped the original Death Note, for help. It was then that Ryūk killed Raito, and Kira was silenced.Since then, he has taken on the persona of L, with Roger taking over as Watari.important information.
the spk taskforce has stayed with near as, in part, his taskforce and his watari.
character summary.
near is the successor of l as the greatest detective alive.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

hakuba saguru.

detective conan & magic kaito.

name. hakuba saguru.
age. Seventeen - twenty three ( verse dependent , one year older than shinichi. ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student. detective. college student. ( verse dependent ).
residence. travels between london, england and japan, tōkyō, ekoda.
appearance. 6'0". 143lbs. Fair hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion. Saguru has a few scars here and there from working as a detective.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. half-english, half-japanese.
parents. His mother is English, his father is Japanese. They are amicably divorced.
siblings. none.
education. High school. Various tutors. Goes to Tōdai University (verse dependent).
notable skills. He can shoot a gun, has great analytical skills, knows jūdo, and has an impeccable sense of time.
languages. English, Japanese, and French.
phobias. none.

important information.
Saguru isn’t in Japan to arrest Kaito/Kid (any longer). Honestly, he’s found that he can roughly call Kaito a friend and doesn’t really want to lose that connection. Still, he pretends that he is, partially to keep Kaito on his toes.
character summary.
habkuba saguru is a teenage detective who wishes to emulate sherlock holmes's abilities to solve mysteries (without all of the idiocrasies ). he has solved a multitude of crimes in both london and in japan and is relatively famous in japan for it. (in london, his fame is centered more towards
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

edogawa conan.
kudou shinichi.

detective conan & magic kaito.

name. edogawa conan.
age. seven.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. elementary school student. does end up helping the police with cases, but he's not officially a detective or anything like that.
residence. japan, tōkyō, beika.
appearance. 92cm. 18kg. black hair, blue eyes, and a relatively tan complexion. conan has a few scars here and there from helping on cases.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. kudō yukiko and kudō yūsaku. ( living separately from them ).
siblings. none.
education. elementary school.
notable skills. He can shoot a gun, has great analytical skills, and can solve mysteries without issue.
languages. English and japanese.
phobias. none.

known associates.
police. Megure Jūzō, Takagi Wataru, Satō Miwako, Chiba Kazunobu, Shiratori Ninzaburo, Nakamori Ginzō, Yamato Kansuke, Uehara Yui, MorofushiTaka'aki.
fbi. jodie Sterling, Akai Shūichi, James Black.
black organisation. Vermouth, Sherry, Kir, Bourbon.
shōnen tantei-dan. Agasa Hiroshi, Haibara Ai, Yoshida Ayumi, Kojima Genta, Tsuburaya Mitsuhiko.
mōri detective agency. Mōri Kogorō, Mōri Ran.
teenaged detectives. Hattori Heiji, Hakuba Saguru, Sera Masumi, Kudō Shinichi.
thieves. Kaitō Kid, Arèsene Lupin III.
civilians. toyama Kazuha, Haneda Shūkichi, Kisaki Eri, Suzuki Sonoko, Suzuki Jirokichi.

bowtie. Created by Agasa-hakase, his bowtie hides a dial which he can use to change his voice to any pitch so that he may imitate any voice he wishes.
glasses. Modified by Agasa-hakase several times, his glasses have several different specifications. His glasses has a miniature hidden microphone so that he may listen in on conversations. His glasses can also be used to magnify his vision and can even be used in the dark. He can also use his glasses to track his transmitters, which he tends to stick on criminals. It can also track the Shōnen Tanteidan badges.
belt. His belt has a button that he can press that would inflate a football for him to kick. He can change the air pressure of the ball so that they can be huge, and he can even make a few balls explosive. However, his balls will only last for ten seconds.
suspenders. His suspenders are extremely elastic, allowing him to use them as bungee cords, to rappel down buildings, or to lift heavy objects by creating a pulley system.
shōnen tantei-dan badge. These badges can be used for the Shōnen Tanteidan to talk to each other, like a set of radios. They can also be used to track each other down, using Conan’s glasses.
skateboard. His skateboard was modified by Agasa-hakase, and it has an engine that would allow him to chase after criminals who have gotten away by cars fast.
watch. His watch has two uses: one, as a torch, with a strong enough light like many led torches and, two, as a tranquiliser, as he can shoot a dart he can use to knock people out for ten minutes.
shoes. His shoes have been modified by Agasa-hakase that allows him to kick objects with great power, enough to knock someone out or to hit something with a great power even fifty feet away.

important information.
conan's time remains pretty canon so far. this is in part because the manga is still on-going. i am completely caught up and conan can take place any time in his "conan" timeline.
character summary.
edogawa conan is the secret identity of the teenage detective kudō shinichi. de-aged due to a one-in-a-million reaction to a drug that should have poisoned him to death, conan lives with his childhood friend and her father as he tries to take down the organisation that tried to kill him.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

conan's navigation.

name. kudō shinichi.
age. nineteen - twenty ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. college student. has retired from being a detective.
residence. japan, tōkyō, beika.
appearance. 174cm. 58kg. black hair, blue eyes, and a relatively tan complexion. shinichi has a few scars here and there from helping on cases.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. kudō yukiko and kudō yūsaku. ( living separately from them ).
siblings. none.
education. goes to tōdai university.
notable skills. He can shoot a gun and has great analytical skills.
languages. English, japanese, german.
phobias. none.

Shinichi used to be rather arrogant, so smitten with his fame in the newspapers, with the police, and with his fans. However, he’s become a little bit more humble since becoming Conan, being forced to relive his childhood as a little kid again. Now, he tends to shy away from fame, especially since becoming famous might mean catching the attention of the men who poisoned him again.
He tends to be rather blunt, often focusing more on logic than emotions, and can come off as being quite cold. Yet, he cares deeply about life and feels the few failures he’s had at attempting to save lives very keenly. He is always willing to risk his life to save anyone, even a stranger, and part of the reason why he does his work as a detective is to make sure no murderer can get away from taking the life of someone else.however, after the events that had him take down the black organisation ( the organisation that poisoned him ), shinichi no longer works as a detective due to trauma.

Intelligence & Deductive Reasoning. Shinichi is often compared to Sherlock Holmes due to his ability at deductive reasoning. He often catches details that other people tend to miss, and he has a one hundred percent case clearance ( his investigation into the men who poisoned him is still on-going and is thus not added into this total ). He is also able to remember small details and facts that allow him to solve cases ( although, anything he doesn’t know or remember, he tends to look up on his cell phone or ask other people ).
Musical Ability. Shinichi is unable to sing at all and is thus often mistake as tone deaf, yet he has perfect pitch, able to recite the pitch of notes upon hearing them just once. This ability makes more sense considering Shinichi can play the violin, just like his idol, Sherlock Holmes.Athletic Ability. Shinichi is an amazing soccer player, as he had been scouted to go pro even while in middle school. However, he decided to focus more on his career as a detective and ignored all offers. As Conan, he tends to knock out criminals with a soccer ball and a powerful kick ( generated by his shoes ). He is also good at skiing and snowboarding, and he is a remarkable marksman, able to shoot two very thin pieces of string from a distance while on a helicopter without hitting any police officers or civilians.Languages. Shinichi is fluent in both English and Japanese, due to having visited America several times while as a child and a teenager and having read the original Sherlock Holmes books in english. He is also passable in German, able to carry a conversation, but he’s nowhere near fluent. Aside from that, he may know a few words or phrases in other languages, but he is nowhere near fluent in any other language.

important information.
It is very easy to tell when you have not read Shinichi's main verse. if it's something you do not want to roleplay in, please let me know before you write me a starter.
character summary.
kudō shinichi is a retired teenage detective. he currently lives as a college student, trying to get through the trauma of taking down the organisation that had plagued his life for two years (and for being a kid for two years).
post-canon au. untagged. takes place after canon events where shinichi has retired from being a detective. he is dealing with problems with alcohol abuse after the takedown of the Black Organisation, which personally went badly for Shinichi even if it was a grand success otherwise.
A big part of his character development in this main verse is allowing himself to follow the advice of his therapist and learn coping skills after being Conan for two years and dealing with both his paranoia and trauma. Shinichi’s main verse is dark. I understand if you do not want to write with him in it or if you need me to stay clear from certain themes, which is completely alright! Please let me know what you are comfortable with.Also, in regards to his alcohol abuse, he is not obvious about it. He drinks mainly at night in secluded places and areas. Depending on the muse, they could deduce it, but please ask me first. Shinichi’s pretty good at hiding most of the symptoms due to previously being a detective himself.more information on the verse here.

shinichi's navigation.

important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

kaitou kid.
kuroba kaito.

detective conan & magic kaito.

name. unknown.
aliases. kaitō kid. phantom thief 1412.
age. unknown. presumably 40+.
gender & pronouns. unknown. presumably cis-male & he/him.
orientation. unknown.
species. human.
occupation. international jewel thief, centred in japan.
residence. unknown. most of his heists past his hiatus have been in japan.
appearance. unknown. as a master of disguise, kid's true appearance is left to the imagination, but kid often has brown or black hair and blue or lilac eyes.
piercings. presumed earrings.
ethnicity. presumed japanese; although, his first appearance was in paris.
affiliations. None. Has at least one or two partners, but tends to work alone. there was one notable exception with nightmare but M.O. of nightmare means Kid must have been threatened to work for him.

Kaitō Kid’s first appearance was in Paris in honour of Phantom Lady’s retirement. He then spent the next decade stealing priceless artefacts, paintings, jewels and jewellery, etc. His M.O. tends to be non-violent (but he has physically knocked people unconscious), and he tends to use magic to help him pull off his heists. After that decade, he suddenly disappeared for eight years before he made his re-appearance by using a “disappearing” trick. Since then, he has been active for a few years.
list of crimes.

  • Over one hundred known cases of burglary ( international and domestic ).

  • Over one hundred known cases of breaking and entering.

  • At least two instances of assault.

  • At least one instance of motor vehicle theft.

  • Numerous accounts of pickpocketing.

  • Numerous accounts of police impersonations.

  • Over one hundred known cases of possession of stolen goods.

  • Numerous accounts of vandalism.


  • Master of disguise.

  • Can change pitch and timbre of voice into any range.

  • Magic Tricks.

  • Instantaneous clothing change.

  • Charmer and charismatic.

  • Multilingual.

  • Pickpocketer.

  • Safe breaker.

  • Create and operate tools ( i.e., hanglider, card gun ).

  • Flexibility ( physical and mental ).

  • Intelligent.

  • Aiming and shooting a gun ( card or real ).

  • Well-versed in literature, art, and music.

  • Jewellery appraiser.

psychological analysis.
Kid always has a smile on his face and retains a cool and collected appearance. He remains confident no matter what type of situation he’s in, and he never seems to be afraid that he’ll be arrested. He likes to joke with authority figures or make outlandish statements, most likely to get a reaction from the people he’s interacting with. He seems to enjoy the attention that the crowds make at his expense during a heist.
Still, despite his emotional separation, he does care about all of the members of the police force ( as shown by how he doesn’t use lethal force and always attempts to keep them from being hurt ) and civilians, and he will often go out of his way to make sure people is safe, even if it would be better for him if he left.important information.
i don't prescribe to fanon, but i don't prescribe to canon either. for more details, please look at kaito's side.
character summary.
kaitō kid is an international jewel thief who seems to only care about taking jewels and other artworks, only to return them quickly. he is famous with a large group of followers, and he will almost always get his target. never strikes when there is a new moon.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.

kid's navigation.

name. kuroba kaito.
age. seventeen - twenty (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student or college student. international jewel thief.
residence. japan, tōkyō, ekoda.
appearance. 174cm. 58kg. black hair, blue eyes, and a relatively tan complexion. kaito has a huge burn scar on his back from the fire that caused his dad's death.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese and a quarter french from his mother's side.
parents. kuroba tōichi ( presumed deceased ). kuroba chikage ( living separately from them ).
siblings. none.
education. high school, goes to tōdai university.
phobias. fish.

Kuroba Kaito is a student by day and doubles as the international phantom thief Kaitō Kid by night. He started his night job as Kid at the age of fifteen when he found out that his father ( who died eight years prior ) was the original Kid.
Since becoming Kid, he’s learnt that his father’s “accidental” death was in fact a murder by an organisation whom Toichi refused to steal a jewel for. This jewel is called PANDORA, and legend states that every thousand years, it will cry tears that will grant anyone immortality. The only way for it to be detected is if the jewel shines red under the moonlight.He’s vowed to steal the jewel before the organisation who killed his father could and destroy it so no one can ever use it to hurt anyone ever again. Unluckily for him, the organisation knows of his plan and is trying to kill him, usually by sending assassins after him. Luckily for him, the organisation believes that he is Kuroba Tōichi, back from the dead, and doesn’t know he’s actually Tōichi’s son.While his mother is alive, she doesn’t really live with him, instead travelling around the world to get over her grief of Tōichi’s death. A few times a year, she’ll come back to live with Kaito for about a week before moving on again. They do talk weekly over video chats on Skype, but they’re not too close to each other.personality.
His main goal and aspiration is to be known as the greatest magician ever, surpassing his father who is known worldwide as one of the greatest magicians. Due to this, he’s always seen with a stage perfect grin on his face and can be…very entertaining, to put it nicely. In other words, he’s very mischievous and will often prank other people to get a good laugh out of the audience.
From a young age, however, he’s been taught that he should keep his emotions hidden underneath what his father calls a “poker face,” as no one should ever know what a magician is really thinking. Kaito has taken this lesson to heart, and thus it’s rare to see his unguarded emotions. He often picks and chooses which emotions that he wants to show and even the level of it ( so, if he’s angry, sometimes he’ll show it by looking a little annoyed rather than show the full extent of his anger ). His poker face has only become stronger since becoming Kid, as he’s needed to lie and protect his emotions even more at the inclusion of his illegal night job. His best friend, Aoko, has called him “cold.”However, despite his purposeful separation from other people, his father’s murder makes him, ah, heavily dislike it when people attempt to kill and heavily hurt others. He will often go out of his way to save people even if it means he has a higher chance of getting caught. In all honesty, he would rather get arrested than have someone die on his watch.There are only two things that can break his poker face, and they are fish ( he’s deathly afraid of fish ) and mentioning his father. On rare occasions, explosions can also do the same if he isn’t mentally prepared for them as his father died due to a fire caused by his trick on stage exploding, and Kaito was there at the time.

Despite how foolish he tends to act, Kaito is a highly intelligent young man ( by DNA testing, he has shown to have an IQ of 390 ) whom is able to read and understand the intentions of people in just a few seconds. Occasionally, his own bias will blind him to a conclusion, but for the most part, it’s clear that if you’re doing something you believe is against what Kaito wants you to do, he’s already planned for you doing so.
While he tends to remain overly prepared, sometimes his all of his plans fall through, usually when he’s facing someone with an equal amount of intelligence as he. If so, he can usually think very quickly on his feet and come up with a few plans that will allow him to escape. Considering he’s never been caught, he’s very good at that.Due to his ambition in becoming the greatest magician in the world, he is very good with magic tricks, as shown by the intricate magic tricks that he pulls off as Kaitō Kid ( like walking on the air and teleportation ). As Kaito, he tends to stick only to slight of hand stuff, but considering the impossibility to his slight of hand tricks, it still shows a very high skill of his magic.He’s highly intelligent and skilled in all areas, mainly due to his eidetic memory, and such he’ll get bored in school and at home and take up new projects for however long it takes him to master a subject ( or until he gets bored again ). This means that he has a large variety of general knowledge and doesn’t exactly have a specialisation ( he’s been shown in canon to be able to calculate of how soon he’ll hit the ground after falling from a rather tall building and managed it in a few seconds, and he has a great number of insight into the arts ).

important information.
Chikage left when Tōichi died to travel the world because she couldn’t bear to be in the house. This left Kaito a lot more colder towards people and more wary towards people as a result, keeping secrets to himself and such. She did check up on Kaito every so often, but it wasn’t a lot – especially for a boy who had just lost his father and then essentially lost his mother too.
Tōichi is alive and in Las Vegas, and a year before the Kaitō Corbeau arc comes around, Chikage is aware of it. Kaito, on the other hand, is unaware of it, believing that the Kaitō Corbeau that stayed with him was Chikage and the one that flew away as a decoy is Jii-chan. Similarly, JIi-chan also has no idea that Tōichi is alive and had no hand in the Kaitō Corbeau heist.i am ship exclusive with a kudō shinichi and a nakamori aoko. i will only ship kaishin and kaiao with these versions of these characters. every other ship is fair game!character summary.
kuroba kaito is a student by day and an international jewel thief by night in an attempt to get his father's killers arrested and also destroy the jewel that they are looking for first.
canon. untagged. takes place during or after canon events.
detective au. untagged. read the information about it here.

kaito's navigation.

important headcanons _&_ metas.

mouri ran.

detective conan & magic kaito.

name. mōri ran.
age. Seventeen - twenty three ( verse dependent. ).
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student. college student. ( verse dependent ).
residence. japan, tōkyō, beika.
appearance. 174cm. 59kg. Black hair, purple eyes, light complexion. A few scars here and there from karate and also the situations she gets herself into, like gunshot grazes.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. kisaki eri and mōri kogorō.
siblings. none.
education. High school. Goes to Tōdai University ( verse dependent ).
notable skills. ran is very good at karate, able to beat mercenaries and assassins at hand-to-hand combat as long as she focuses. she can also bend or break metal with her hands if she focuses, as well as rocks and other things.
languages. English and japanese.
phobias. ghosts ( because she can't punch them ).
Mōri Ran is the childhood friend of Kudō Shinichi, the great teenage detective. Her father is a private detective, the famous Nemuri no Kogorō, ( although, he was previously a police officer ) and her mother is a famous lawyer and the owner of her own law practice. She, herself, is the reigning karate champion of the regional tournaments but is an otherwise normal high school girl.
Aside from the fact that, y'know, she has to deal with murders on a near daily basis.As her father is a private detective and her ward, Edogawa Conan, is a murder magnet, she finds herself at the crime scene of murders quite often. Thus, she’s built up a rather nice rapport with police officers and detectives all around Japan, and she’s famous by association with her father and with Shinichi.

important information.
Ran knows Shinichi is Conan. She’s known for a LONG while now, she’s just been waiting for Shinichi to tell her the truth and not gaslight her about it. She also has enough physical evidence to make the connection where Shinichi could not wiggle or lie his way out of it, but she’s sitting on it until he tells her.
character summary.
ran is a normal teenage girl aside from the fact that she stumbles over murders on a near daily basis and is a karate expert capable of dodging a bullet from a pistol and bending metal with her bare hands.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

manabe kakeru.

fruits basket.

name. manabe kakeru.
age. Seventeen - eighteen. thirty-eight. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student. Business man.
residence. Japan, Kaibara.
appearance. 5'9". 123lbs. black hair, brown eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. He is estranged from his father, is slightly okay with his mother.
siblings. kuragi machi (half-sister).
children. manabe michi (daughter).
education. High school. Various tutors. Goes to Tōdai University (verse dependent).
notable skills. He’s pretty smart and is incredibly charismatic.
languages. japanese and english.
phobias. none.

important information.
my kakeru will be dating and getting married to komaki, but if you want to ship, please let me know and i'll adjust accordingly!
character summary.
kakeru is a regular high school student who lives in japan. he grows up to be a business man and works with yūki.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

sohma mutsuki.

fruits basket (another).

name. sohma mutsuki.
age. Seventeen - eighteen.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student.
residence. Japan, Kaibara.
appearance. 5'6". 118lbs. grey hair, light grey eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. sohma yūki and sohma machi.
siblings. manabe michi (technically cousins).
education. High school.
notable skills. He’s pretty smart, is incredibly charismatic,and is very manipulative. He is an unfortunate crossbreed of Kakeru, Ayame, and Shigure (but with empathy).
languages. japanese and english.
phobias. none.

important information.
mutsuki is not an original character; he is from the sequel manga called another. i am, of course, willing to adjust anything about another to fit with other fruits basket muses.
character summary.
mutsuki is a regular high school student who lives in japan.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

sohma yuuki.

fruits basket.

name. sohma yūki.
age. Sixteen - eighteen. thirty-eight. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human. before he reached eighteen years of age, he did turn into a rat whenever hugged by someone who isn't male.
occupation. high school student. Businessman. (Verse dependent).
residence. Japan, Kaibara.
appearance. 5'7". 119lbs. grey hair, dark grey eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. he is pretty estranged from his parents.
siblings. sohma ayame (older brother).
children. sohma mutsuki (son).
education. High school. Went to tōdai university.
abilities. He is slightly faster than most people and can telepathically talk to rats (and attract them in times of stress). He also changes into a rat when hugged by someone who doesn't identify as male.
notable skills. He is a fantastic fighter, skilled at anything he really puts his mind to do, a quick runner, highly intelligent, etc
languages. japanese and english.
phobias. claustrophobia.

important information.
I know the manga has it that the zodiac change by whoever gets hugged by someone of the opposite sex, but I think we all know how transphobic that can get very fast, so I’m changing it to anyone who doesn't identify as the same gender identity of the zodiac member.
character summary.
yūki is his high school's most popular student but with a dark secret -- he turns into a rat when hugged by someone who isn't male.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

toudou kimi.

fruits basket.

name. tōdō kimi.
age. Sixteen - eighteen. thirty-eight. (verse dependent).
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. asexual.
species. human.
occupation. high school student. Actress and model. (verse dependent).
residence. Japan, Kaibara. Paris, France. Los Angeles, USA. (verse dependent).
appearance. 5'7". 107lbs. black hair, light brown eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. deceased.
siblings. none.
education. High school.
notable skills. Very manipulative, highly intelligent, incredibly charismatic.
languages. japanese, french, and english.
phobias. car accidents.

important information.
kimi is my character now. i give her a lot of depth that was hinted in her introduction before it was gone forever. please read everything in the important headcanons & metas section.
character summary.
kimi is the secretary for the student council in the school, and she is known to be a "seducer" of sorts. she loves making people dance to her tune.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

alphonse elric.

fullmetal alchemist.

name. alphonse elric.
age. fourteen - twenty.
gender & pronouns. cis-male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. alchemist.
residence. amestris. xing.
appearance. (human) 5'8". 148lbs. blonde hair, gold eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. german.
parents. deceased.
siblings. edward elric.
notable skills. high intelligence, fantastic hand-to-hand combat, a prodigy at alchemy.
languages. german.
phobias. none.

important information.
i tend to write alphonse more post-canon or pre-canon rather than during canon due to the tidiness of the story.
character summary.
alphonse elric is the younger brother to the fullmetal alchemist, edward elric, and is a talented alchemist in his own right. he lived as a suit of armour for years after trying to bring his mother back to life.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • none.



name. kikyō.
age. seventeen - eighteen.
gender & pronouns. cis-female & she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human, but walking around in a clay body.
occupation. priestess.
residence. japan.
appearance. 5'6". 110lbs. black hair, light brown eyes, a fair complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. deceased.
siblings. kaede, younger sister in birth order, now older in age.
education. none.
notable skills. can heal using herbs. can shoot well with a bow and arrow.
abilities. has spiritual powers that allow her to do things like create barriers, purify darkness, immobilise others, etc. she is extremely powerful.
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
kikyō is deceased, and i write her as deceased.
character summary.
kikyō is a deceased priestess who used to be the protector of the shikon jewel.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

natsume takashi.

natsume yūjinchō.

name. natsume takashi.
age. fourteen - eighteen.
gender & pronouns. male & he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human (powered).
occupation. student.
residence. japan.
appearance. 5'6". 110lbs. silver hair, green eyes, a pale complexion.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. deceased. he has been adopted by the fujiwaras, who are distant relatives.
siblings. none.
education. high school.
abilities. he can see yōkai and has trouble differentiating them from humans due to the clarity of his vision. he also has strong spiritual powers that allow him to drive away a lot of yōkai with just a fist, and it also allows him to perform powerful exorcsisms if needed.
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
takashi's grandmother reiko was famous among yōkai circles around their area and he is often mistaken as her. he also holds something call "the book of friends" that holds the lives of yōkai that his grandmother defeated. his goal is to give back the names of all the yōkai in the book of friends.
character summary.
takashi is a normal high school student except for his ability to see yōkai.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons & metas.

  • none.

hatake kakashi.


name. hatake kakashi.
age. Ten - forty ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male& he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. shinobi.
residence. konoha.
appearance. 6'1". 157lbs. Silver hair, one black eye and one red eye, fairly pale complexion. He covers his left eye due to it being replaced with a Sharingan. He has a multitude of scars. He also has a red ANBU tattoo on his shoulder.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. Hatake Sakumo & Hatake Chiyoko ( biological parents, both deceased ).
siblings. none.
education. Ninja Academy ( six months ). Various teachers.
notable skills. Master martial artist, master swordsman, master of stealth, master escape artist, master marksman – anything you can think of, Kakashi can do well.
abilities. Kakashi has a keen sense of smell that he can use to track others. He also has the Sharingan implanted into one of his eye sockets, which allows him to copy any jutsu, break most genjutsu, and create his own. He also knows over a thousand jutsu.
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
I do not shy away from the darkness of Kakashi being a ninja since four years old. Also, a lot of Kishimoto’s timeline doesn’t make sense, especially in regards to Kakashi’s age, so assume that he’s at least one-four years younger than everyone in his “Academy Year”.
Also, just in general, all of my Naruto characters follow an AU where Sasuke was only undercover as a traitor and Kakashi was only Hokage for three years and Naruto rose to power soon after. Also, Kaguya wasn’t a thing, and the war was over when they fought and defeated Madara. Kakashi also doesn’t lose his Sharingan eye and Naruto and Sasuke aren’t reincarnations of the Sage’s sons or whatever that plot was.character summary.
kakashi is a prodigy of a shinobi who really needs therapy, a hug, and a nap. in that order.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.
tailed beast au. untagged. takes place during or past canon events. verse notes here.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

tenzou / yamato.


name. tenzō. yamato.
age. Ten - thirty-seven ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male& he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. shinobi.
residence. konoha.
appearance. 178cm. 58.4kg. brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. unknown.
siblings. later, tenzō considered the rest of the children that orochimaru killed in his attempts to get the mokuton as his "siblings".
education. trained with root and then kakashi during his formative years.
notable skills. fantastic martial artist, fantastic swordsman, master of stealth, master escape artist, master marksman.
abilities. tenzō has the mokuton, which is a rare bloodline limit that allows him to create wood release. this also gives him the power to help control tailed beasts, but because his mokuton is artificial, he can't control them to the same degree as the first hokage, but he can help suppress them.
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
the anbu arc in the anime is mostly canon for tenzō. for what is and isn't, i'll make a post on later.
Also, just in general, all of my Naruto characters follow an AU where Sasuke was only undercover as a traitor and Kakashi was only Hokage for three years and Naruto rose to power soon after. Also, Kaguya wasn’t a thing, and the war was over when they fought and defeated Madara. Kakashi also doesn’t lose his Sharingan eye and Naruto and Sasuke aren’t reincarnations of the Sage’s sons or whatever that plot was.character summary.
tenzō is a black ops operative who got put into becoming naruto's team leader after kakashi was bedridden.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.



name. tenten.
age. Ten - thirty. ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-female& she/her.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. shinobi.
residence. konoha.
appearance. 5'10". 130lbs. black hair, dark brown eyes, and tan skin. she has some tattoos for summoning weapons, two of which on the palms of her hands, some in other places (like her ankle). they are skin colour and aren’t easily detectable unless one has a sharingan or byakugan.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. both parents are deceased, died in the kyūbi attack when tenten was one. she grew up in an orphanage where she was never adopted but moved out when she was twelve into an apartment when she became a ninja.
siblings. none.
education. shinobi academy, four years. apprenticed to maito gai.
notable skills. fantastic martial artist, fantastic swordsman, fantastic at stealth, a fantastic escape artist, and master marksman.
abilities. she is a pretty good seals master due to her work with storage seals and other seals. she has some uzumaki blood in her (that she isn't aware of because of her parents' deaths).
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.

important information.
tenten is my original character now.
Also, just in general, all of my Naruto characters follow an AU where Sasuke was only undercover as a traitor and Kakashi was only Hokage for three years and Naruto rose to power soon after. Also, Kaguya wasn’t a thing, and the war was over when they fought and defeated Madara. Kakashi also doesn’t lose his Sharingan eye and Naruto and Sasuke aren’t reincarnations of the Sage’s sons or whatever that plot was.character summary.
tenten is one of the three students of maito gai and is konoha's resident weapons' master. she is always looking to train with weapons and learn about new weapons.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

uchiha sasuke.


name. uchiha sasuke.
age. Ten - thirty. ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male& he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. shinobi.
residence. konoha.
appearance. 5'10". 144lbs. Black hair, Black eyes, pale complexion. He has a curse mark on his shoulder.
piercings. earrings.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto. ( deceased ).
siblings. uchiha itachi ( decased ).
education. shinobi academy, four years. apprenticed to hatake kakashi and orochimaru.
notable skills. Master martial artist, master swordsman, master of stealth, master escape artist, master marksman.
abilities. Sasuke has the Sharingan, which allows him to copy any jutsu, break most genjutsu, and create his own. He also has the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.
languages. japanese.
phobias. none.
important information part 1.
my sasuke was never an actual traitor to konoha; he’s essentially undercover with the bad guys ( orochimaru, then akatsuki ) by permission of tsunade with a deal struck between them that if he gets the chance, he’s allowed to go after and kill itachi. canon runs in a similar way, but with just less actual insanity on sasuke’s part and more pretend insanity combined with sasuke’s brand of pragmatism.
obviously, sasuke doesn’t try to control the world or continue the infinite tsukiyomi, so he and naruto never have that huge fight and neither of them loses arms. sasuke instead just returns to the village after they woke everyone up.

important information part 2.
upon finding out the “truth” ( or obito’s somewhat incomplete truth, completely ignoring the fact that obito had framed the uchiha clan to begin with, really causing the blame of the kyūbi attack to the uchiha… ) about the uchiha massacre, sasuke does, in fact, ponder over actually betraying the village, but he doesn’t go through with it because he a) decides that isn’t what itachi would have wanted and b) still wants to come back home to team seven. he’s still pissed about what happened to his clan,
however. sasuke does go rogue and kill danzō without tsunade’s permission. that’s the only time he actually goes rogue, and, even then, tsunade can’t really bring herself to punish sasuke for it because, well, danzō was a thorn in her side. he does not attack during the gokage summit but rather after.naruto, sakura, and kakashi find out when naruto figures it out after their clash after sakura tries to kill sasuke. the three of them are a little pissed at sasuke and tsunade, but they’re also just… very overwhelmed with relief that it’s all a trick.character summary.
sasuke is one of the three students of hatake kakashi and pretended to be a traitor.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.

uzumaki naruto.


name. uzumaki naruto.
age. twelve - thirty ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male& he/him.
orientation. bisexual.
species. human.
occupation. shinobi.
residence. konoha.
appearance. 6'3". 168lbs. Red hair, blue eyes, tan complexion. He has whisker marks on his cheeks. He also has a few seals tattoo’d on his body.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. japanese.
parents. Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina ( deceased ).
siblings. none.
education. shinobi academy, four years. apprenticed to hatake kakashi and jiraiya.
notable skills. Pretty good at fighting and talking to people. Has charisma in spades.
abilities. Naruto has the Kyūbi, which allows for accelerated regeneration and insanely high levels of chakra. he also is a fantastic seal's master.
languages. japanese.
phobias. ghosts.
important information part 1.
He’s a seal apprentice, taught to him by Jiraiya, and upon Jiraiya’s death, Naruto experiments more on his own (and via scrolls Jiraiya and, upon learning who his parents are, his parents left behind ) until he becomes a master in his own right.
Also, while he does technically still have a hold of Jiraiya’s spying network, it’s not normally necessary since everyone is in a time of peace, but he keeps an ear out regardless.On his eighteenth birthday, he’s given the scrool to the Hiraishin (which I’m still hc-ing as being created by Minato rather than the second hokage because after hc-ing that Minato created it for so long, that canon info is dead to me), and he learns it in about three months.

important information part 2.
just in general, all of my Naruto characters follow an AU where Sasuke was only undercover as a traitor and Kakashi was only Hokage for three years and Naruto rose to power soon after. Also, Kaguya wasn’t a thing, and the war was over when they fought and defeated Madara. Kakashi also doesn’t lose his Sharingan eye and Naruto and Sasuke aren’t reincarnations of the Sage’s sons or whatever that plot was.
character summary.
naruto is the jinchūriki of the kyūbi and he was isolated when a child. he ended up being somewhat close to the messiah for the ninja world and ended up uniting everyone through the power of friendship.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.

  • tba.



name. satoshi.
age. nineteen ( verse dependent ).
gender & pronouns. cis-male& he/him.
orientation. demisexual.
species. human.
occupation. pokemon trainer. Winner of the Kalos Tournament. Champoin of Alola. Research Fellow for Sakuragi-hakase.
residence. Kanto, Kuchiba City.
appearance. 182cm. 67kg. Black hair, brown eyes, a fairly and obvious tan complexion. Satoshi has a few scars here and there from attacks.
piercings. none.
faceclaims. none.
ethnicity. kantonese.
parents. Unknown father & Hanako.
siblings. none.
education. trainer school.
notable skills. He is an amazing battler and is able to analyse fights and tactics without much issue. He is also a good brawler, and has great physical capabilities. He is also pretty great with languages.
abilities. Satoshi has aura, which means that if he tries really hard, he can sense the aura of living things, is able to take a small glance into people’s feelings, and can also read memories of pokemon he is particularly connected to. His aura also protects him from the worst of injuries and can also help to heal him at a more accelerated rate.
languages. Kantonese, Unovian, Kalosian, and Alolan.
phobias. ghosts (not ghost types).
important information part 1.
Satoshi won against Alain in the Kalos league finals. He has been training for his championship match for two years (delayed because of rebuilding and then because the next year’s winner went for it first with Satoshi’s permission), and it is in some time in Journeys that he will go for it.
He is doing the World Championship at the same time for training purposes, but his team is a lot more varied and he often switches his teams in and out, including Numelgon and Gekkōga.

important information part 2.
Satoshi takes place during Journeys. My Satoshi does grow older as time goes on as initially canon. I have changed a lot of canon near the end of Kalos onwards. I have been writing Satoshi for six years on tumblr, longer if you count fanfiction. His characterisation, in some aspects, will be a lot different from canon. He is still fun-loving and easily excitable in some instances, but a little more calmer and introspective in others.
character summary.
satoshi is a travelling trainer who does his best to help whoever he has to or wants to. a lot more powerful than most people think.
canon. untagged. takes place during or past canon events.


important headcanons _&_ metas.